Horo is set up with three handlers and 4 cutters spread across the pitch. This year we will be using the horo system that Lemmings came up with last year. This system is all about swinging the disc and creating isolated cutting situations. More on that below.
The cutting positions are referred to using the numbers 1 to 4 depending on where the disc is. If the disc is on the right, then the cutter that is furthest right is "1" and the cutter furthest left is "4".
The Cutting Pattern
When the wide handlers have the disc:
Step 1
We should set up like this, with cutters 2 and 3 allowing cutter 1 to have lots of space. Cutter 1 should be decisive and either go under or deep.
Step 2
If cutter 1 does not get free, they should clear out by going across into position 3. They should not come back under after going deep or vice versa. Also note that on the under cut you are still an option when initially clearing out, much like doing a 7 cut from a vert stack.
Step 3
As they are clearing out, cutter 2 should have initiated their cut by coming horizontally across, and they should now quickly change direction to come under or go deep.
Step 4
If they don't get the disc, the pattern just continues until the handler reset is initiated.
When the disc is in the middle:
If the disc is central, the handler should ideally loo to swing it to one of the other handlers. However, if this option is not on immediately then they should look upfield to the middle two cutters. These two cutters should work in tandem, one going under and the other going deep, to try and get the disc. If they don't get the disc, the same two cutters should keep rotating round and do the opposite of what they just did.
Handler Resets
Handler Positioning
The image on the left shows a situation in which the handler 1 might initiate the handler reset, by looking at handler 2. In this horo system, the handlers should always set up as shown. In particular, notice that handler 3 is pushed quite far forward.
When the handler reset is initiated, the next cutter should not move across as they usually would to start their cut. Instead, they should leave a large amount of space for the handlers to use up the line.
The Reset Pattern
Step 1a
When handler 1 looks at handler 2, handler 2 should immediately cut backwards in anticipation of a space throw. If they are faked at, they should quickly change direction to cut up the line.
Step 1b
If the space throw was thrown, handler 2 should immediately look to swing it again to handler 3. If the second swing is thrown, the cutters should now move across, except the cutter labelled 'C', who will become active.
Step 2a
If handler 1 fakes at handler 2, handler 2 cuts up the line. When this happens, the cutters should all start moving up the pitch in anticipation of handler 2 receiving the pass. Handler 3 should start cutting horizontally across the pitch in case they are needed.
Step 2b
If it is thrown up the line, the nearest cutter should be ready to become active. The other handlers reposition themselves and we end up back in our usual set up.
Step 3a
If the throw does not go up the line, handler 3 should change direction and cut under to receive a swing. Handler 2 continues to clear out deep and cutter 3 comes back as a third handler.
Step 3b
Much like step 1b, handler 3 should immediately look to swing the disc again to keep the momentum going.
Step 4
Just as with handler 2, handler 3 should cut up the line if they are faked at, and the pattern continues.
Moving Up the Pitch
If a pass is completed to a cutter coming under, we need to know how to rotate such that we can keep our system going. Let's take a look at the situation shown in the image on the right.
When the cutter receives the disc, they have 2 options. They could either quickly pop it back to the handler who threw it originally, or turn and face upfield to look for cuts. What should happen in each situation is explained below.
Option 1: Pop pass
Step 1
All players should start moving upfield as the pop pass is thrown, so that they are ready to continue the pattern as soon as the handler regains possession of the disc.
Step 2
The original cutter should clear out in the same way they would have if they had never received the disc, making their way to position 3. The next cutter should start cutting as normal.
Option 2: Looking upfield
Step 1
If the original cutter is effectively now a handler. The furthest handler should push through to become a cutter at position 3. The other handlers should rotate around to fill the gaps.
Step 2
The cutting pattern then continues as normal.
Here's an animation of how it might work in-game.