End Zone Defence

Defending a Stack

When we are defending the end zone, we need to do a few things differently to normal defence.

Firstly, we are more worried about throws such as hammers to the break side, because the handlers may be more tempted to throw it and because it's often a shorter distance to the stack, so it's easier to throw. For this reason, we want at least one defender to set up on the break side. This means that we are not matched up 1-to-1 on the open side, so defenders need to try and mark whoever cuts, rather than only focusing on a single person.

Secondly, an up-line cut from the dump is now far more dangerous than a swing, so whoever is marking the dump may wish to give themselves a few yards so that they definitely won't get beaten up the line, especially if the dump is starting on the break side, making the swing difficult anyway.

Defending an Iso

If the opposition sets up an iso at the front of the end zone, we should set up a clamp. This means that we have one defender on each side of the iso. Both of them should stay tight at all times to make sure an easy shot between them isn't on.

Ideally, we still should start of with a defender on the break side of the stack. This means that the defenders have to be really heads-up and try to stop whichever options come their way.